
Happy May Day from ROF Industries!

Happy May Day from ROF Industries!

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Behind-the-Scenes with Fredrik Eklund

ROF was lucky enough to visit New York City and work with Million Dollar Listing New York’s bad boy Fredrik Eklund.  The Million Dollar Masterminds put on quite an event and we were there to capture every moment.  See below to view photos and video showcasing the weekend.  Click the link below to see more about the program they offer-

Eklunk Collage- smallFredrik on screen- smallGroup High Kick- smallColey & Fredrik- smallAnthorp Stretch- smallRyan & Fredrik- smallLight- small

San Diego Surrogacy Shoot

For the last few months ROF Industries has had the pleasure of working with Surrogacy Together located in sunny California. We have been working on several projects with the organization, and recently we joined them down in San Diego to cover their fundraiser at the Marriott near Seaport Village.

First order of business, we spoke with a young couple that is currently beginning the process of finding a surrogate to help them expand their family.

1You may remember the video we produced for Surrogacy Together where we followed the Teske family with their embryo transfer in Los Angeles (see video at the end of this blog!).  We caught up with the Teskes at the So Cal fundraiser and got an AWESOME update on their transfer. We will be continuing with their story, and will be able to share some EXCITING news with you soon!2For my fellow photo/video geeks… the above picture gives you an idea of a typical lighting setup for our interviews. We typically use an ARRI setup consisting of three lights. One light backlights our subjects giving them a ‘glow’ and separating them from the background. The second light is used to splash color on the background.

Using colored gels and light manipulators we can add a little flare to an otherwise dull wall inside a hotel conference room. 3The picture seen above shows the final image product. The third and final light used here was a softbox pointed directly at our subjects. Again, this info is just for the production nerds like ourselves.

After the family interviews inside, we headed out to the rooftop to cover the event itself. The view was incredible!! The Coronado Bridge provided a gorgeous backdrop for our interview with Dr. Kumar.4You will get to know Dr. Kumar a little better in our upcoming video for his transfer facility. Getting to see the process, speaking with the Embryologist and watching a transfer first hand has really opened our eyes to just how special this service is! We can’t wait to share the video and introduce you to the team that is helping the Teske family… and so many others… experience parenthood in ways most of us may never know.5Shortly before sundown, Jon Anderson (with Surrogacy Together) took to the podium to introduce each of the guest speakers at the fundraiser. He also shared his own story about how surrogacy has changed his life.6Next up was San Diego 6 News’ Brooke Landau. Brooke was also able to benefit from the surrogacy process and her story is not to be believed! She was joined on the mic with her little miracle named Hudson. After hearing testimonials like hers it is easy to see why surrogacy is such an important option for couples that wish to expand their families.7Lesa Slaughter is an attorney who is passionate about surrogacy law for good reason. She has also gone through the process of having a surrogate, and now she donates some of her time and services each year to help people who may not otherwise be able to move forward due to financial reasons.8After the speeches, the sun had set far beyond the horizon. That didn’t stop everyone in attendance from enjoying the food, music and conversation.9Although everyone had a blast in San Diego that night, I really don’t think anyone had as much fun as the kiddos! Seemed like every time our eyes turned to the dance floor there were children playing and dancing the night away!10We are currently editing the video from the night of the fundraiser. Once it has been signed off on and approved, we will bring it to you right here on!!

Click below to learn more about Surrogacy Together and hear the Teske Family story!




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