
Behind-the-Scenes with Fredrik Eklund

ROF was lucky enough to visit New York City and work with Million Dollar Listing New York’s bad boy Fredrik Eklund.  The Million Dollar Masterminds put on quite an event and we were there to capture every moment.  See below to view photos and video showcasing the weekend.  Click the link below to see more about the program they offer-

Eklunk Collage- smallFredrik on screen- smallGroup High Kick- smallColey & Fredrik- smallAnthorp Stretch- smallRyan & Fredrik- smallLight- small

Traveling With A Toddler

We have a lot of people ask us how we manage to travel so much with a toddler.  Well yes, it is a lot of work but it is so worth it!  Getting to see your little one’s face while they explore new places, hear new languages and see a different way of life is truly priceless.  Even if they won’t remember it, I believe it helps shape the person they will become.  If you’re up for a bit of a challenge, take your toddler on your next trip and create memories that you will treasure for years to come.  Below are some tips that might help:

  1. In my opinion, the airplane ride is the most difficult part.  Make sure you have everything you need to keep them occupied while on the plane- DVD player ready with cartoons, LeapPad, books, toys, favorite foods, etc.  I always like to bring a brand new DVD or toy to help hold the little one’s interest.  Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, it’s 10 minutes of not being “that parent” with the screaming child.  🙂
  2. Research the location ahead of time.  Find out where you can buy all the necessities so that you don’t have to pack extra suitcases.  Things like diapers, swim diapers, baby wipes, food and formula can all be purchased when you get to your final destination.  Just be prepared and know where you need to go ahead of time and if they have your specific brand so that you’re not stuck without something that you need.
  3. Tell the place you are staying that you have a toddler and see what they can do to help toddler-proof your room.  You would be surprised how many hotels will supply you with a Pack N Play, highchair, plastic plugs for outlets and more.  It’s a big help having some of these necessities in your room.
  4. Do even more research and find the toddler-friendly activities that you and your little one can enjoy while on your trip.  This doesn’t have to be anything fancy.  Something as simple as a calm beach, beautiful park or little toy store will work just fine.  That’s the nice thing about toddlers; they don’t need the big “Disneyland” experience to have fun.  Just get creative and look for new things to enjoy together.  Try to allow plenty of time and don’t try to stick to a rigid schedule.
  5. Relax!  I have to remind myself of this all the time.  No matter how much research you do, how well you pack or how much thought you put into it, things will go wrong.  Luckily it’s never the end of the world, it’s just unexpected- diapers failing while on the plane when the seatbelt sign is on, tantrums at restaurants you couldn’t wait to enjoy, etc.  Most of the time these mishaps end up being the funniest stories later and serious blackmail for when your toddler is an adult.  Keep your sense of humor and try to laugh when things go wrong.  Try hard to go with the flow and remember that traveling should be fun.  🙂

Vert Coley ReadingLooking At The LightOn Tray TableSuper MomSound AsleepAngel Baby

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